News archive
31. July 2012.


Are you unemployed and between 15 and 30 years old? Do you live in Vranje, Bujanovac or Presevo? Do you want to be active? Do you have any work experience? Do you want to learn and find out about the opportunities for internships, practice and entrepreneurship? Get engaged in the  "YouthBuild Serbia - Educated and Active Young People" project and become one of  40 young persons that will acquire the skills necessary for employment and local community activism during a six-month training course. Send your completed application form by September 3, 20122, to lirije@gradjanske.org and become part of the "YouthBuild Serbia - Educated and Active Young People" team!

30. July 2012.


The Youth Initiative for Human Rights and the Youth Center from Presevo will present today in Bujanovac and Presevo the program for involving young people in social and political life of their local communities.

26. July 2012.

Implementation of the PBILD Program Provides Support to the Development of South Serbia

The overall goal of two joint programs that are implemented through one approach (PBILD), which are the "Promotion of Peace in South Serbia" and "Capacity Building for Inclusive Local Development in South Serbia", is to reduce the differences that currently exist between Jablanica and Pcinj Districts and the rest of Serbia. The implementation period of the project is until October 2012. The project is funded by the Spanish Fund for Achieving the Millennium Development Goals, the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the Kingdom of Norway and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

24. July 2012.


Twenty-nine representatives of young people from secondary schools, the media and Youth Offices from Vranje, Bujanovac and Presevo participated in a four-day seminar on Vlasina Lake, which was held from July 5 to 8 as part of the project "THE MINORITIES’ RIGHTS – THE  MAJORITY’S OBLIGATION”. The seminar was implemented by “Generator” and Vranjske Newspaper”.

19. July 2012.


A group of twenty-one representatives of public, private and civil sectors discussed the possibilities for cooperation between the businesses sector and local communities, through initiatives for corporate social responsibility. The participants included the General Manager of BAT (British American Tobacco), as well as representatives of the Office for Economic Development and of the Regional Development Agencies of Jablanica and Pcinj Districts.

19. July 2012.

7,5 Billion Euros For the Southern and Southwestern Serbia

Projects for the development of economic infrastructure, which have been funded by the European Union and the Government of Switzerland through the Program of the European Partnership with Municipalities EU PROGRESS for two years, should enable the investment of 7, 5 million euros in the South and Southwest Serbia.

18. July 2012.


The Regional Chamber of Commerce in Leskovac (RCCL) successfully completed another project in the field of cross-border cooperation. The point at issue is a project whose ultimate goal is the common appearance of Serbian and Bulgarian businessmen on the European market, and during which, among other things, a 16 – day training in the field of management systems was organized for Serbian and Bulgarian businessmen.

17. July 2012.

Around Forty New Projects in the EU PROGRESS

Graeme Tyndall, Head of the EU PROGRESS, which is a project supported in Serbia by the European Union and the Government of Switzerland, said that the program would support forty more new projects, as well as that around six million euros had been set aside for the previous projects implemented in twenty-five municipalities in the southern and south-western Serbia.

13. July 2012.


What is the situation in South Serbia that you are leaving to your successor like, since you are soon to leave our country?  What thus-far achievements in South Serbia make you quite satisfied, and in which field in South Serbia, in your opinion, there is some room for improvement?

13. July 2012.


The new local authorities in Bujanovac, which consist of the Democratic Party, the Stojanca Arsic Civic Group and the coalition around the Democratic Party, were established without the influence and pressure from the outside. The President of the municipality of Bujanovac and the Leader of the Democratic Party, Nagip Arifi, said that the deal made was the “agreement between neighbors, Albanians and Serbs”.

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