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Pursuant to the Decision of the Acting Director of the Coordination Body’s Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the Municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja 100 No. 67-00-00002 / 2018-01 of September 26, 2018, the Coordination Body’s Office issues a
for granting scholarships to secondary school students in the territory of the municipality of Medvedja for the 2018/2019 school
The Coordination Body’s Office is awarding scholarships to secondary school students from the municipalities of Medvedja, Leskovac and Lebane, who attend the schools founded by the Republic of Serbia or the local self-government, in the monthly amount of 6,000.00 dinars for the period of schooling from September 1 to December 31, 2018. If funds are provided in the budget for 2019, the Coordination Body's Office will continue providing scholarships until the end of the 2018/2019 school year.
General requirements are that the students have the citizenship of the Republic of Serbia and permanent residence in the territory of the municipality of Medvedja, that they enrolled for the first time in the first, second, third or fourth grade of some of the secondary schools set up by the decision of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia, that they achieved excellent or very good results during the previous schooling and that they did not repeat any school grades during the previous studies.
Eligible to apply for the students' scholarships are first-grade secondary school students who achieved excellent or very good overall results from the fifth to the eight grade of primary school (from 3.50 to 5 out of 5), or students from the second to the fourth grade of secondary school who achieved excellent or very good overall results (from 3.50 to 5 out of 5) in all previously completed secondary school grades and who had an exemplary record of conduct (5 out of 5).
Only the students who attend secondary schools in the municipalities of Medvedja, Leskovac and Lebane in the 2018/2019 school year and who are residents of the municipality of Medvedja at the time of applying shall receive the scholarships.
Students who have already earned the right to some of the students' scholarships from the budget of the Republic of Serbia are not entitled to a scholarship of the Coordination Body’s Office, and if, in the meantime, they become eligible for another scholarship, they are required to opt for one of the scholarships awarded. The Coordination Body’s Office reserves the right to check whether the candidates applying for a student scholarship already received the scholarship from another governmental body that is financed from the budget of the Republic of Serbia or the local self-government.
In compliance with the budget for 2018, the Coordination Body’s Office has at its disposal the funds for 300 scholarships. Distribution of scholarships will be done in accordance with the model of transferring funds to the municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja. [1]
According to the quotas of the Ministry of Finance, the Coordination Body’s Office will award to the students 300 available scholarships: 40% or 120 scholarships to the students from the municipality of Bujanovac, 39% or 117 scholarships to the students from the municipality of Presevo and 21% or 63 scholarships to the students from the municipality of Medvedja. In the event that a municipality does not have a sufficient number of scholars for the predetermined quota, the available scholarships will be relocated and evenly distributed to the other two municipalities at the predetermined percentages.
• Filled-in scholarship application on the Coordination Body Office’s form, which is attached to the call (form of the Coordination Body’s Office No. 1),
• Certificate certified by the school that the student attends, with mandatory data on the enrollment in one of grades of the secondary school in the territory of the municipalities of Medvedja, Leskovac and Lebane in the 2018/2019 school year, the school results achieved in the previous grade and the data on when the student first enrolled in the first year of secondary school (Form of the Coordination Body’s Office No. 2),
• Certified copies of the certificates on previously completed grades (for students of the first grade of secondary school - certified copies of the certificates from the fifth to eighth grade of elementary school as evidence of the success achieved in elementary school that the candidate completed. For students of the second, third and fourth grade of secondary school, certified copies of the certificates of the success of all the previous years of secondary school issued by the secondary school attended by the candidate),
• A copy of the death certificate if they do not have one or both parents, and the decision on custody (the original issued by the competent authority of the local administration or a certified copy verified by the court or the competent municipal body),
• Certificate of average monthly income per family member of the student (the form of the Coordination Body’s Office No. 4) certified by the competent authority in the municipality of residence, which is issued based on the given declarations of family members in the presence of two witnesses and the relevant evidence on the actual income of the family for the period from January 1 to June 30, 2018 (the form of the Coordination Body’s Office No. 3),
• The data from the electronic ID card or a photocopy of the old valid ID card of the student, or printed data from the electronic ID card or a photocopy of the old valid ID card of the parent or guardian if the student less than 16 years old,
• Four copies of the scholarship contract that are duly completed and signed by the student and the parent or guardian of the student.
The documents necessary for applying shall not be returned to the student.
The said documents or evidence are issued and certified by the relevant bodies, namely:
- The form of the Coordination Body’s Office No. 2 is certified by the secondary school which the student attends
- The forms of the Coordination Body’s Office Nos. 3 and 4 are certified by the competent authority of the local administration in the municipality of residence
- Copies of the school certificates are certified by the court or the competent municipal body
- A copy of the death certificate, if they do not have one or both parents, and the decision on custody are issued by the competent local administration body, while the copy is certified by a the court or the competent municipal body
- A copy of the scholarship contract can be downloaded from the website of the Coordination Body at www.kt.gov.rs , while secondary school students from the municipalities of Medvedja, Lebane and Leskovac can get it from the municipal administration body in Medvedja (48, Jablanicka Street).
NOTE: All the necessary documents for applying must be neatly and legibly filled-in. When submitting the documents, it is necessary for the candidate to enter his/her bank account number and the exact name and address of the bank in the copy of the scholarship contract and in the scholarship application form (form of the Coordination Body’s Office No. 1).
The application deadline is from September 28 to October 12, 2018 until 3.30 pm.
Applications for the award of scholarships and the documents proving the fulfillment of requirements should be submitted in a sealed envelope. The name and the address of the applicant should be written on the back of the envelope. The following note should be written on the front of the envelope: FOR THE CALL FOR GRANTING SCHOLARSHIPS TO SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS FROM THE TERRITORY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BUJANOVAC FOR THE 2018/2019 SCHOOL YEAR - DO NOT OPEN BEFORE THE EXPIRY OF THE APPLICATION DEADLINE.
Secondary school students from the municipalities of Medvedja, Lebane and Leskovac are to submit their applications to the municipal administration body in Medvedja (48, Jablanicka Street). The body that receives the application puts the stamp and date of submission on it.
Untimely and incomplete application documentation shall not be taken into consideration.
The Commission set up by the decision of the Acting Director of the Coordination Body’s Office shall compile a single ranking-list of candidates for the scholarships at the level of the municipality of Medvedja.
The criteria for compiling the ranking-list are as follows:
• Students with both parents deceased 30 points;
• Students with one parent deceased 25 points;
• Students who live in families that have a monthly income per household member from 0 – 12,000.00 dinars 20 points;
• Students who live in families that have a monthly income per household member from 12,001.00 – 24,000.00 dinars and more 15 points;
• Excellent school marks in the previous school year 15 points;
• Very good school marks in the previous school year 10 points;
In the event that two or more candidates have the same number of points, the Commission will give preference to a candidate who has better average school marks in the previously completed school year.
In case two or more candidates have the same average school marks in the previously finished school year, the Commission will give priority to the candidate having a better average school mark in the previous studies (add up the average school marks of all the past school years and divide it by the number of school years).
The Commission will consider all timely applications, score all the applications that meet the requirements of the competition and prepare the ranking- list of the students who will receive scholarships based on the number of points and in accordance with the criteria. Based on the established rankings, the Commission shall reach a decision on the selection of scholars, which will be signed by the President of the Commission.
The candidates for scholarships that are not included in the decision on the award of scholarships have the right to appeal within 15 days of receipt of the decision on the selection of scholarship beneficiaries, in accordance with Articles 32 and 147 of the Administrative Procedure Act. Complaints must be submitted to the Acting Director of the Coordination Body’s Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the Municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja, and through the Commission. Stated in the complaint must be the reasons for filing a complaint and an explanation, as well as the appropriate supporting documentation. A complaint that is not timely or that has been submitted by an unauthorized person shall be rejected. The Acting Director of the Coordination Body’s Office decides about the complaint within 15 days of receipt of the complaint. The decision of the Acting Director of the Coordination Body’s Office is final in the administrative procedure.
The final ranking-lists compiled after the resolution of complaints, will be displayed at the municipal administration body in Medvedja, on secondary school bulletin boards and on the website of the Coordination Body (www.kt.gov.rs).
Based on the final list of the awarded student scholarships, which is compiled after deciding on the complaints, the student or parent or guardian of a student concludes a scholarship agreement with the Coordination Body’s Office, by which the rights and obligations regarding the use of scholarships are closely regulated. The scholarship is awarded without any obligation to being repaid.
The payment of the granted scholarship is suspended to the student scholarship beneficiary in the case of incorrectly presented data, when he/she simultaneously receives a grant, loan or similar amount from the budget of the Republic of Serbia or the local self-government on a different basis, when he/she loses the right to education funding from the budget or drops out of formal education.
Upon completion of the competition, the Coordination Body’s Office will submit copies of the scholarship agreements to the schools or municipalities.
Scholarships are paid in the net amount of 6,000.00 dinars for the months of September, October, November and December 2018, and if the funds are provided in the budget for 2019, they will be paid continuously until the end of the 2018/2019 school year.
NOTE: The scholarships are paid in the parent or guardian’s bank account.
The application forms are available at the places where applications are submitted or they can be downloaded from the website of the Coordination Body at www.kt.gov.rs
Further information can be obtained by sending questions to the fax number 011/21-20-909 or e-mailing them to office@kt.gov.rs , goran.gavrilovic@kt.gov.rs , milutin.jovanovic@kt.gov.rs or by taking them personally to the places where applications are submitted, as well as by sending the questions by registered mail to the following address:
The Coordination Body’s Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the Municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja, 2, Mihajla Pupina Blvd, 11070 New Belgrade.
Scholarship application form – Form 1
Certificate of the average monthly income - Form 4
Guidelines for completing scholarship agreement
Source: Coordination Body
[1] The Ministry of Finance determined the quotas in accordance with the criteria relating to the size of the municipality, population, population sprawl, geographical location, social position, infrastructure, unemployment rate, etc.