News archive


10. October 2014.

Bujanovac At the American Corner in Bujanovac, around thirty young people from Bujanovac discussed with Drew Giblin, Cultural Attache of the U.S. Embassy in Serbia, the launching of people’s own businesses and the obstacles that stand on the way from the idea on a business project to its implementation.

“I talked with young people from Bujanovac about entrepreneurship in Bujanovac and about the development of a new market. We at the embassy want to work with young and hardworking people, so that we could support their new ideas.  Education is important, but it isn’t sufficient.  It is necessary for you to know your community and the opportunities in it, as well as to work on a daily basis. I want this corner to become a kind of an innovation center, where the students from Bujanovac would gather, cooperate among themselves and come up with new ideas about starting their businesses”, said Drew Giblin. 

Source: TV Bujanovac and Coordination Body