News archive


12. April 2016.

Bujanovac – The "Year of Entrepreneurship" project, organized by the Pcinj administrative district, the Ministry of Economy, the Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Business Incubator Center, was presented at a crowded small hall of the Bujanovac community center.

The details of the program were explained by Nemanja Gligorijevic from the Regional Chamber of Commerce, who presented the characteristics of conducting business operations successfully and the ways in which future entrepreneurs could achieve their goals, pointing out that Bujanovac was the city of small business.

Nenad Zafirovic, the Director of "Bivoda," said, prior to the meeting, that the government had provided 16 billion dinars for those who planned and wanted to start their own businesses that year. He underscored that that was a great chance primarily for the young, who could thus find work.

“The essence of the project is to explain to the potential entrepreneurs how to obtain the subsidies that the government had provided for this year”, Mr. Zafirovic said. 

The meeting was opened by Branislav Popovic, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the “Jumko” company, who presented to the attendees of the meeting the basic points of the project, the aim of which was to inform the entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs about the possibility of lending and subsidies offered by the institutions of the Republic of Serbia, the European Union and the banks.

One of the ideas of the "Year of Entrepreneurship" is to provide a special mechanism for giving part of the provided funding to those who have an idea for a profitable business and whose basic guarantee for successful business is the quality of the ideas and plans, and not the dramatically strictly set conditions and security.

Further information on the project and on how to get the funds for starting a business is available on

Source: Bujanovacke and Coordination Body