News archive


26. September 2013.

Leskovac – With the aim of raising public awareness about  the importance of environmental protection, a campaign "Where is Your Responsibility Treshold?" will be held in 25 municipalities of the southern and southwestern Serbia, which include the municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja, too, by the end of this year.

Among major environmental issues that bother the residents of the municipalities are waste disposal, the imposibility of recycling and the pollution of rivers.  The campaign is aimed at raising awareness about the importance of the environment, as well as of recycling and energy efficiency.

During the campaign, cleaning and municipal waste collection activities will be organized in the coming months, as well as street events,  during which a large turnout of citiizens is expected. Also, a number of workshops and training courses will be held in the selected municipalities, in order to encourage the residents to create an environment in which environmental protection is one of  the development priorities of each community. Working activities are  meant for the general population, and they will be organized in Vranje and Prijepolje. Street performances  will be organized in Novi Pazar, Kursumlija, Leskovac and Bujanovac. Street performances will be held in Leskovac in mid-October and they will mark the beginning of the campaign in the city, said Tihomir Velikanac from the „Generator“ organization.  

With the financial assistance of the European Union and the Government of Switzerland, the campaign is conducted through the European Partnership with Municipalities Program – the EU PROGRESS, in cooperation with the consulting agency „Executive Group“ and  the „Generator“ association of citizens from Vranje.

Source: Jugpress
