News archive


9. December 2010.

On Wednesday, December 8, 2010, fourteen Serbian, Albanian and Roma secondary-school students from Bujanovac and Presevo showed at the full hall of the Bujanovac community center that a different world is possible. During a ninety - minute show, the young performers of the play showed that friendship, affection and tolerance held them together and kept them happy. They sent a message that friendship among persons of different ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural backgrounds is possible, as well as that such bonds among people were the most important ones.

“We are the Whole World” is the second play of the young and enthusiastic theatre troupe, which had its premiere in Bujanovac yesterday. Prior to the Bujanovac premiere, the play was performed in Slovenia and in Kikinda. The main motto of the play is the famous Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet”, which a story about a forbidden love. The text of the play is full of metaphors, which can hardly leave anyone indifferent to the play.
In addition to the main topic, the play abounds in a series secondary topics, in which the motives of love and friendship, which are characteristic for all young generations (such as school worries, face book, growing up and the like), are intertwined.
Prior to the performance, the audience was addressed in Romany by a young actress Nesibe Osmani, in Serbian by the author of the text Aleksandar Lazic and in Albanian by Rahim Salihu, the coordinator:

“Whichever place we visited, wherever we went, whoever we  met or  got  to know, anytime  and anywhere, we were speaking  about  the  fact  that  we are all the  same  and special, that You and I are  We and that We are the  whole  world!“

The “We are the Whole World” play was performed in Kikinda in mid-November, while the actors and actresses of that performance were different. They reflected the multiethnic make-up of Vojvodina. The performers of the Kikdinda play came to Bujanovac to provide support to their friends from Presevo and Bujanovac.

On December 17, 2010, Belgrade audience will be able to watch the play on the “Rasa Plaovic” stage of the National Theatre. The actors and actresses of that play will include the young from Kikinda,  Bujanovac and Presevo.

The project was supported by the Provincial Secretariat for Culture of the Autonomous Province (AP) of Vojvodina and by the Coordination Body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the Municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja.