News archive


9. May 2016.

Belgrade - The "Let's ..." Group, in cooperation with the Office for Human and Minority Rights, and in partnership with the Office of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality and the House of Human Rights and Democracy, organizes the National Training for the organizers of Living Libraries in Serbia, which will be held in Belgrade from June 12 to 14. The deadline for signing up is May 26.

The idea of ​​the Living Library came from the Danish Youth Initiative "Stop Violence", which was one of the activities aimed at preventing violence among youth. The Living Library operates as a regular library, where readers come and borrow "books" for a specific period of time, only that books in the Living Library are people who represent groups that are the targets of prejudice, stereotypes, discrimination and social exclusion. The "books" and readers have the opportunity to enter into dialogue, debate and learn together.

The idea of the national ​​training is to empower a new generation of organizers of the Living Libraries in Serbia, who would join the already existing network, which was established in 2012. The existence of such a network ensures quality and cooperation among civil society organizations in Serbia and the institutions involved in the project, as well as a stronger impact on the local communities.

The major objective of the training is to introduce and further develop the concept of the Living Libraries as a tool for promoting human rights to the general public in Serbia.

The call is open to participants from all over Serbia, active members of civil society, employees of youth offices and school teachers who are willing to commit themselves to organizing Living Libraries at the national or local level.

Interested organizations and individuals may find more information on the project and the application form on the official Facebook page of the "Let's ..." Group, or they may get them from Suzana Krstic via e-mail or phone number 011 323 3634.

A filled-out application form and a letter of support should be e-mailed to by 26 May 26

Accommodation and food expenses for all the selected participants will be covered, while travel expenses are to be covered by the participants themselves.

Source: “Let’s …” Group and Coordination Body

