News archive


20. October 2015.

Bujanovac – On October 2 and 3, 2015, the Civic Initiatives NGO organized in Bujanovac a training course for teachers entitled "Students Reflect, and What about You?"

The training, which was attended by teachers and experts of various secondary schools in the municipalities of Bujanovac and Presevo, was aimed at improving the learning and teaching about the general problems of society and democratic principles, at improving the quality of education and providing a better understanding of social changes in a social context in which students grow up, thereby encouraging their involvement.

The teacher training program was designed with the aim of understanding deliberation and setting it as a learning process of building the competencies related to critical thinking skills that are the foundation of any healthy democracy and its education policy.

During a two-day interactive work, trainers Tatjana Matthias and Sanja Basic tried to bring closer and clarify the thinking techniques to beneficiaries of the training  through simulation and discussion on the topic of "Cyber-bullying”. Teachers learnt from the direct experience of deliberation, by examining and facing, through dialogue, the arguments for and against the question of: "Should our country allow schools to punish students for cyber-bullying outside the school".

In addition, each of the ten steps of thinking was analyzed, as well as the ways of using thinking techniques in regular work and in teaching within the social sciences; the ways of preparing teachers and students for a class in reflection; the possibility of realizing meaningful and purposeful students' actions inspired by the topics discussed during classes in reflection. The teachers were given the manuals containing the necessary tools and instructions for working directly with students, which are relevant to contemporary social life and activism of the young and are also important for their better understanding of the controversies and challenges that accompany modern democracy.

Upon completion of the training, the teachers received the certificates.  

Source: Resource Center and Coordination Body