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22. July 2019.

Presevo – Sulejman Ibraimi (76) from the village of Bustranje near Presevo is one of the last farmers in Serbia who has buffaloes on his farm, which are hoofed animals that resemble cattle, but which are not counted as cattle. 

The Ibraimi family hopes to receive incentives from the government to preserve this autochthonous race, which is known as "Gala" in South Serbia, and for which experts of the local veterinary stations say is the only one in the Balkans.

Buffalos in Serbia can also be found in the Zasavica reservation, while they are locally raised only in the vicinity of Presevo and Bujanovac.

For over a century, members of the Ibraimi family have been keeping buffalos, and for years they have had people coming in for butter and milk, which is used for treating rheumatic or lung diseases.

Butter is used as a cure for headache and rheumatism, while buffalo milk is good for those suffering from asthma or bronchitis.

“We sell a liter of buffalo milk at a price of five hundred dinars, and if it is for children, it is free of charge. In the past,we did not charge anything if it was used as the cure, while today people insist on paying, because they know how hard it is to live by agriculture, " Mr. Ibraimi says.

According to him, the majority of inhabitants of the village of Bustranje, both the Albanians and Serbs, had completely emptied their stables and began doing more profitable jobs, while young people had gone abroad. Only the Ibraimi family keeps the buffaloes in the village, while others sold them a long time ago.  Some families keep the Simmental cows instead of buffalos

Buffaloes are very strong and tenacious animals, but modest when it comes to their nutrition.  They are resistant to diseases and rarely get sick.  Water, ponds and springs are their favorite places, and when they go there, it is hard to dissuade them, since they are very stubborn and adamant. Buffalo milk is very rich and in a short time their young ones, which are called "cukces," can reach a weight of 120 kilograms. 

“Ever since I can remember, I have been with the baffalos, and even today when I am pretty old, I take them to grazing, sometimes I leave them, and they themselves come home. My son continues our family’s tradition, so I hope that with stimulating funds we will have at least 50 heads instead of the current 25, "Mr. Ibraimi says.  

"We live exclusively from agriculture, cattle breeding and farming, and buffaloes are something we до not have only because of earnings, but also because of tradition and love,"Мr. Ibraimi says.

The breeding of buffaloes in Serbia dates back to the time of the Ottoman Empire, when the Ottomans brought them after they had conqueered these parts. In the area of Presevo and Bujanovac, especially in Bujanovac Spa, buffaloes were once very numerous. They were used for towing and threshing, while today they are a real attraction because of their unique appearance.

Source: OK Radio and Coordination Body