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13. June 2018.

Presevo - The municipality of Presevo ​ informed all interested parties about a program of subsidies for self-employment, which will be implemented by the Employment Agency of the Republic of Serbia and the municipality of Presevo. 

The signing up of candidates for the participation in the training called "Developing Entrepreneurship,” which is organized by the Employment Agency’s Office in Presevo, starts on June 13. The training is intended for those who wish to participate in the call for applications for self-employment subsidies, which will run from July 2 to August 2,2018. 

The program of subsidized self-employment is intended for all unemployed persons who are registered with the Employment Agency and have completed a training course in the development of entrepreneurship.

A self-employment subsidy is awarded to an unemployed person in the amount of 180,000,00 dinars, or in the amount of 200,000.00 dinars in the case of self-employment of redundant workers, or in the amount of 220,000,00 dinars in the case of persons with disabilities.

Self-employment subsidies are allocated for the purpose of establishing workshops, cooperatives or other forms of entrepreneurship, as well as for the establishment of companies, provided the founder of the company is employed in it, and for determined activities that are in line with the needs of the local economic development.

The right to subsidies may be obtained through the associating of several unemployed persons. In that case, each of the participants competes for self-employment individually, as well as for obtaining the right to subsidies.

The implementation of the program will be monitored over a period of 12 months.  

Source: Jugpress and Coordination Body