News archive


13. May 2013.

Presevo – Two days ago, the Albanians from South Serbia requested at the protest in Presevo that the Appellate Court in Belgrade on Monday released from all responsibility nine members of the "Gnjilane group" of the Liberation Army of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja (LAPBM), who were on January 21, 2011, by first instance verdict, sentenced to 116 years in prison. All speakers, leaders of the Albanian parties, also requested that, in accordance with the recommendations of the OSCE’s Mission, the EU Office and the U.S. Embassy, an agreement on return of the monument, which was taken away from the central square in Presevo on January 21 of this year, be reached by dialogue. By third requirement, the Albanians asked the authorities in Belgrade for absolutely the same rights as those achieved by the Brussels agreement for Kosovo Serbs by Prime Ministers Ivica Dacic and Hasim Taci. By the last, fourth, request, protesters demanded that, in accordance with the agreement of February 23, which was reached in the Bujanovac office of the OSCE Mission, a monthly communication between the official Belgrade and Albanian political representatives be established.

Source: Blic

