News archive


25. December 2018.

Bujanovac The Guide through Bujanovac, seen through the eyes of young people, was presented in a crowded room of the Cultural Center in Bujanovac by means of a short play that was performed by the students of primary and secondary schools, who are participants in the project "Our City, our Schools", which the Coordination Body’s Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the Municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja has been implementing for two years.  The project is conducted in partnership with the organization "Group 484", and with the support of the Pestalozzi Children's Foundation from Switzerland, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the municipality of Bujanovac.

Over 50 teachers and 100 students of elementary and secondary schools from the municipality of Bujanovac took part in the second year of the implementation of the project. The schools that participated in the project this year include secondary schools "Saint Sava" and "Sezai Suroi", as well as elementary schools "Branko Radicevic", "Naim Fraseri", "Vuk S. Karadzic”, “Ali Bektasi”, “Bora Stankovic” and “Muharem Kadriu”.   

The main objective of the project is to create the opportunities for interaction and cooperation between children and adults belonging to different ethnic communities, as well as to improve cooperation among schools in the territory of the municipality of Bujanovac in which classes are conducted in Serbian and Albanian.

Source: Coordination Body 
