News archive


19. August 2014.

Students who didn’t pass the primary school final exam in June, who didn’t completely pass it or who didn’t take one of the tests, have the possibility to pass it in three days and become eligible for enrollment in secondary school.

The final exam at the end of primary education, the one in the second term, started yesterday, when primary school graduates took a test in Serbian or in their mother tongue.

A math test is being taken today, while a combined test in five subjects, which include biology, physics, chemistry, history and geography, is to be taken on Wednesday.

According to the data of the Department of the Ministry of Education, 56 students from the Jablanica district and 19 from the Pcinj district will be taking the primary school final exam in the August deadline.   

Jovica Stevanovic, an educational adviser at the Ministry of Education, says that all students from Vranje will be taking the final primary school exam at the “Vuk Karadzic” primary school.

The taking of the final primary school exam in the Pcinj district is organized at the “Pera Mackatovac” primary school in Belo Polje, the “Vuk Karadzic” primary school in the village of Stubal, the “Branko Radicevic” primary school in Bujanovac and at the “Ibrahim Keljmendi” primary school in Presevo. 

“There are enough vacancies at secondary schools in Vranje”, Mr. Stevanovic said.

As for the Jablanica District, the agricultural school in Leskovac needs a few more students for the continued existence of its food department, as well as the secondary school for carpenters in Grdelica.

Dealing with the same issue are the “Bosko Krstic” secondary school in Bojnik, the secondary  technical school  in Medvedja and the “Svetozar Krstic Toza” secondary school in Vucje. 

Preliminary results of the final exam will be announced in schools on August 21, whereas the final results will be revealed on August 23, which is also the deadline for the submission of filled-in wish lists for enrollment in secondary school.

The enrollment of students will take place on August 27 and 28.  

Source: OK Radio, Jugmedia and Coordination Body 
