News archive


19. September 2019.

Belgrade – The Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government allocated RSD 490 million for 77 projects of cities and municipalities this year, and it was planned that those funds would be even greater the following year, said Branko Ruzic,  the Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government.

“The funds in the Local Fund are increasing year by year. This year, as promised, we provided 50 percent more money than in 2018, ” Minister Ruzic said.

He explained that the Fund supported projects for better infrastructure, the development of e-Government, the organization of cultural, tourism and other events, as well as preventive actions to reduce the risk of climate change and natural and other disasters.

“I am pleased that this year we were able to respond to the requests and needs of cities and municipalities and helped them finance the projects that would improve the quality of life of citizens at the local level”, said the Minister.

The Local Fund is around RSD 490 million this year, and a total of 77 projects were approved. The funds were approved for four project groups:

For 33 infrastructure projects which improve the quality of life and contribute to local economic development and employment - construction and reconstruction of communal infrastructure, school, pre-school, cultural and sports facilities, as well as buildings of local institutions, renovation of parks, markets, squares and lighting - about 356 million dinars (some of them are the construction of a shelter for dogs and stray dogs in Novi Pazar, the construction of a parterre in front of the National Museum in Uzice, the construction of a bridge over the river Ibar in the village of Rvati in Raska municipality, the reconstruction of the “Sunce” pre-school institution in Kursumlija, the extension of “Nasa radost” pre-school institution in Blace etc.)

For 14 e-Government projects that contribute to faster introduction of e-Government and modern information technologies to improve and modernize the work of local self-governments and better service delivery to citizens, as well as technical conditions for electronic connection with state and other bodies and organizations - around 48 million dinars (the introduction of e-session system in Kikinda, the upgrading of e-Assembly system in Senta, the improvement and modernization of work in Medvedja Municipal Administration etc).   

For 22 projects of organizing cultural, sports, tourism and other events of special importance for citizens in the territory of those municipalities - about 48 million dinars  (Ethno Fair in Topola, Driningrad in Bajina Basta, Vlasina Summer, Kupusijada in Mrcajevci, Belmuzijada). 

For 8 projects of preventive action to reduce the risk of climate change, as well as natural and other disasters, all with the aim of protecting the property of local self-governments and citizens - 34 million dinars (the municipalities of Bogatic, Aleksandrovac, Zitiste, Blace, Merosina, Veliko Gradiste and the towns of Pozarevac and Cacak received finacial support for securing property interests and agriculture).

Source: Business Telegraph and Coordinating Body

