News archive


24. July 2015.

Vranje – The Roma Centre for Democracy in Vranje opens up today a spot for collection of humanitarian aid for mothers and children of migrants who are temporarily residing in Presevo and Bujanovac.

During the seven-day humanitarian activity, activists of the Roma Cultural Centre will be collecting from private entrepreneurs and people of goodwill clothes for the babies and older children, toys, clothes for the women and other urgent supplies. In addition to food, clothing and footwear, wet wipes are also essential to migrant babies. 

The Women's Emergency Fund, the Coalition for Transparency and the Roma Cultural Centre provided 150,000 dinars for the purchase of the layette for the infants and children of asylum seekers who cross the Macedonian-Serbian border.

Around 1,000 needy people from the African and Middle Eastern countries daily ask the Red Cross organization for help in Presevo and Bujanovac.  

Source: “Blic” daily and Coordination Body

