News archive


29. September 2020.

Bujanovac - Almost a year since the Municipality of Bujanovac signed a contract with a local company for the construction of a booster station, which would bring water to about fifty households in the village of Bozinjevac, the agony of the locals continues, because there is nothing but a gaping hole in the place planned for the booster station.

“The job was given to the "Buja Bau" company from Bujanovac.  The contract worth about 2.5 million dinars was signed on November 1, 2019, and the deadline for the completion of works was the end of the month. Nothing has been done, 50 houses do not have any water at all, while water pressure is extremely low in the rest of the village", says Dalibor Tasiv, the President of the Local Community (LC) of Bozinjevac.

Mr. Tasic was told in the local self-government that the above-mentioned company was not able to do the works, so that another tender would most likely be issued.

“The Head of Finance, Boban Pavlovic, promised me that he would insist on announcing another tender, if he remained in office. The deadline by which the situation should be clarified is October 1. If we have been waiting all these years, we will wait a few more days", Mr. Tasic says.  

The residents of this village say that items are only added to the list of their problems.

“We do not have water, we do not have street lights, our children return from school in pitch darkness, we do not have a bus line, we do not even have garbage containers, but what we do have are stray dogs", a female resident of the village complained.

The authorities in the local self-government "justified" the fact that the village is in the darkness by saying "that they have no material", as the President of the local community was told.

Source: Bujanovac News and Coordination Body

