News archive


11. August 2014.

The reconstruction of the central square in Bujanovac has begun. The extensive works are financed from the municipal budget and with the financial assistance of the Coordination Body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the Municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja amounting to 30 million dinars, while the area of as many as 7,000 square meters, which will get a new look, is quite impressive.  

The town square will be turned into a place of meeting, economic trade and social life of the people. The project is expected to cost around 65 million dinars.  Over two and a half million dinars will be earmarked for the project design, as well as a million and a half dinars for the supervision of the project.

It is planned that the new look should stimulate the opening of new stores and services, including restaurants and bars, which will attract more customers and tourists, thereby contributing to making the town become a growing and vibrant area. 

In the coming period, the facades of public buildings will be reconstructed, too.  Also, regardless of the square, all sidewalks and roads in the wider town area will be reconstructed, those stretching from the building of the municipality of Bujanovac to the town’s park. 

Source : The Evening News and Coordination Body
