News archive


20. December 2013.

The local self-government in Bujanovac signed contracts with 36 private companies, so that owing to this project, 43 new employees will get hired. The signing ceremony was held at the Municipal Assembly hall and it was attended by members of the leadership of the municipality and representatives of the National Employment Office.

Mayor of Bujanovac, Nagip Arifi, said that he was pleased with the signing of the program for the development of the municipality of Bujanovac and youth employment. He expressed special thanks to the representatives of the National Employment Office’s branches in Bujanovac and Vranje, as well as to members of the Employment Council, for the effort they had put into the implementation of the project.  

Representatives of the National Employment Office said that that project was the beginning of their good cooperation with the municipality of Bujanovac and that a series of projects, which would improve the socio-economic situation in the region, awaited them in the future.

A member of the local self-government of the municipality of Bujanovac, Fazila Azemovic, said that the project was important because it coincided with the goals of the Local Economic Development Office in Bujanovac. She also said that another similar project would be implemented in the municipality of Bujanovac in February 2014.

3 million and 200 thousand dinars were earmarked in the municipality of Bujanovac’s budget for the project, while PBILD program set aside 2 million and 28 thousand dinars.

Source: Titulli and Coordination Body

