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PRESS RELEASE, May 27, 2010

27. May 2010.

Minister Milan Markovic, the President of the Coordination Body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the Municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja, in Bujanovac

On Friday, May 28, 2010, Minister Milan Markovic will pay a visit to the municipality of Bujanovac. As the President of the Coordination Body for South Serbia, he will firstly visit the village of Levosoje. He is going to talk with members of the “Jug Levosoje” farm co-operative, the spring planting of which is funded by the Coordination Body. Minister Markovic will, thereafter, visit the “Vuk Karadzic” elementary school in Levosoje, which the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government assists with developing a gym construction project.

Minister Markovic is going to throw the ball at the beginning of a basketball championship match of the summer league that is played between “BSK Junior-Elita” from Bujanovac and basketball club “Jug” from Vranje.   The Albanian, Serbian and Roma basketball players are going to play together for the first time this year for “BSK Junior-Elita”.

Following the match, Minister Milan Markovic, the President of the Coordination Body, is going to appear as a guest in a program of “Radio Ema”, which is a local radio station, whose information program in Romany is funded by the Coordination Body. Minister Markovic is also going to speak in Bujanovac with members of the “You and I are We” organization, which performed a multiethnic teenage pop show extremely successfully owing to the support of the Coordination Body.

For more information, please contact Milica Rodic at or 063 10 50 713.

Agenda of Minister Milan Markovic’s Visit

12:00 – 12:30     Farm co-operative society „Jug Levosoje“- Levosoje
12:30 – 12:45     “Vuk Karadzic” elementary school - Levosoje
13:00 – 13:45     Basketball match – Bujanovac
14:00 – 14:45    „Еmа Radio“– Bujanovac
15:00 – 15:30    Talk with members of the “You and I are We” organization – Bujanovac
