News archive

PRESS RELEASE - 22.05.2013.

22. May 2013.

The Coordination Body’s Office for the Municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja announced a competition for  60 million dinars of grants to small and medium-sized enterprises and agricultural cooperatives in the three municipalities. 25, 5 million dinars were allocated to the municipality of Bujanovac , 22,5 to the municipality of Presevo and 12 to the municipality of Medvedja.  

"By this program, the state, through the Coordination Body, aims to assist the economic development of the three underdeveloped municipalities and to encourage and promote production, so that the regional entrepreneurship could become more competitive, said Zoran Stankovic, President of the Coordination Body for the Municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja. He also pointed out that the competition was, first of all, aimed at reducing the unemployment rate or at boosting employment”.  

The entrepreneurs who are based in these municipalities, who have at least two employees, whose accounts aren’t blocked, against whom bankruptcy proceedings weren’t instigated and whose companies have been operating for at least three years will be eligible to apply for the grants. 

All the companies that applied last year and were awarded the funding won’t be able to apply this year.  The entrepreneurs who got the funding and hired the workers can’t fire them during the next three years.

The maximum amount of the grant in the competition per company is three million dinars.

