News archive

PRESS RELEASE 16. 05. 2013

16. May 2013.

At the end of this February, the municipalities of Bujanovac and Presevo were hit by floods.  The total damage, as estimated by the two municipal commissions of Presevo and Bujanovac, amounted to 7 million and 455 thousand dinars. The Coordination Body for the Municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja provided from the budget of the Government of the Republic of Serbia 7 million and 350 thousand dinars, while the municipality of Bujanovac allocated another 150, 500 thousand dinars from its budget.

Based on the estimated damage, the funds committed to the municipality of Bujanovac  amount to 5 million and 137 thousand dinars. Out of the above-mentioned amount, the local community of Levosoje, whose residents suffered the most damage for the floods, will receive 4 million and 510 thousand dinars for the rrecovery from the damage, while the municipality of Presevo will get 2 million, 313 thousand and 500 dinars.

Based on the records of the municipal committees, the Coordination Body filed a request to the Government of the Republic of Serbia, which earmarked the funds. In that way, with the minor financial assistance from the budget of the municipality of Bujanovac, the damage caused by the overflowing of the Moravica River, non-cleaned water flows and   large amounts of precipitation will be fully repaired.  
