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PRESS RELEASE - 10.12.2013.

10. December 2013.

President of the Coordinatiоn Body for the Municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja, Zoran Stankovic, met today in Klenike with workers of the “Gumoplastika” company from Bujanovac and on that occasion he talked with them about the plans for the future and the problems caused by termination of their employment. The Coordination Body’s President presented to the assembled workers his plan for overcoming the situation created. 

The gathered workers were unanimous in their request that the production and workflow should be launched as soon as possible. President of the Coordination Body said that he understood and supported the workers’ demands, explaining that it was necessary to firstly find a strategic partner, adding that it took some time to do so. Mr. Stankovic urged the assembled workers to be patient and explained that they had to wait for the decision of the Commercial Court, which would confirm the release of "Gumoplastika" from bankruptcy.

“The intention is to keep the existing employees at their workplaces. It is necessary to restore the abandoned and destroyed facilities where there is not even heating, which makes the working conditions inappropriate. It is necessary to purchase new machines, because the existing ones are worn out, then introduce new technologies, as well as to raise the professional management to a higher level”, Mr. Stankovic said, adding that, until then, only the bankruptcy trustee of the factory had a university degree. President of the Coordination Body stressed that the Serbian government was very committed to bringing this factory up to the level that it once had, and that it would persevere in it.  

"The fact is that over the last 15 years of decay of" Gumoplasnika", the previous governments tried, on several occasions, to save it from bankruptcy and re-start the production.  However, we are committed to succeed at this and won’t leave you,  who worked in this factory and fed your families by doing so,  to chance, “promised Mr. Stankovic, adding that large quantities of raw materials and shoes were kept in stores and were failing, which would be positively resolved as soon as possible.  

Mr. Stankovic pointed out that he was aware of the responsibility when it came to "Gumoplastika", since it used to be a giant and that the task awaiting him was very complex and required time, so that no quick solutions were possible.

