News archive


24. February 2021.

Меdvedja - The Municipality of Medvedja has been emphasizing the employment of young people from the territory of the municipality for years. Precisely for that reason, most of the projects that are being implemented are related to the increase in the number of employees in Medvedja.

Recently, two projects were signed in the office of the President of the Municipality of Medvedja by the local self-government and the Center for the Development of Jablanica and Pcin Districts. The first project refers to the Office for Entrepreneurship and Youth Medvedja 2021, while the second project is focused on Environmental Protection and Tourism Promotion 2021.

The value of both projects, the implementation of which will last 6 months, is 5 million dinars. Following the signing of the projects, the President of the Municipality of Medvedja, Nebojsa Arsic, pointed out that the Municipality of Medvedja continued the long cooperation with the Center for Development and that twelve people would be engaged through the projects.

“In the coming period, we will try to do our best to increase the employment and reduce the migration of young people from our municipality. In the previous period, we implemented the "Population Policy Project", when we provided 25 grants for starting people’s own businesses, then through the "Office for Entrepreneurship Development" we engaged young people in the implementation of the project, and through  the “Active Employment Policy Measures" we hired more than 250 temporary workers for public works, while through the “Help” organization and  the project called  “Strengthening the Socio-Economic Stability of the Balkans", 15 young people started their own businesses," said the President of the Municipality of Medvedja.

The Director of the Center for the Development of Jablanica and Pcinj Districts, Dragana Belenzada, addressed the audience in the Assembly Hall too, thanking the municipality of Medvedja for its long-term and successful cooperation. 

“Our idea was to develop a joint project for the needs of the local self-government of the municipality of Medvedja, in order to engage young people in the fields of tourism and entrepreneurship, and through education work, find new ideas that will produce results in these fields. I expect from you to follow the calls related to the project, propose new ideas and submit monthly reports, so that we could have some feedback on the direction in which we could continue working, "said the Director of the Center.

The main goal of the joint project "Office for Entrepreneurship and Youth Medvedja 2021" is to respond to the growing needs of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the municipality of Medvedja, while the goal of the second project "Environmental Protection and Tourism Promotion 2021" is to respond, through various activities, to the needs of environmental protection and tourism promotion in the municipality of Medvedja.

The persons engaged through the project are mostly highly educated young people, while two persons of the Roma and Albanian nationality are also included.

Source: South Serbia Info Center and Coordination Body

