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Nis: Scalded Children Are Recovering

23. September 2014.

Nis - A three-year old A. J. from Presevo, who fell into a cauldron of boiling water a few days ago, is successfully recovering at the Children's Hospital in Nis. She sustained spacious injuries, which aren’t deep. Unlike her, a two-year old A. E. from Bujanovac will need transplantation of the skin on his left upper thigh.

Milan Bojanović, the Head of the Surgery Unit at the Clinic is urging parents to take care of the children of this age while the preservation of fruit and vegetables for winter is underway.  The girl fell into the cauldron of boiling water, but fortunately, her parents immediately washed the burns with cold water, thereby avoiding serious consequences.

”The girl fell into the cauldron by walking backwards. The burns affected a quarter of her body. Estimates are that she won’t have to be operated on, but we'll make the decision after today's dressing of the burns”, said doctor Bojanovic.

The boy from Bujanovac got burned by the water in which macaroni were cooked. He has burns on his shoulder and arms, but the most injured part of his body is his left upper thigh.  

The doctor advised that burns should be washed only with cold water.  No other “old wives’” remedies should be considered.  

Source: OK Radio and Coordination Body