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25. June 2020.

Medvedja - On the occasion of the "Year of Solidarity and Cooperation", and with the blessing of Serbian Patriarch Irinej, the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans’ and Social Affairs, together with the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Medvedja Municipality and the humanitarian show "House from the Heart", launched a campaign for building new houses for families with several children living in difficult conditions in the Municipality of Medvedja.

On that occasion, Minister Zoran Djordjevic, Bishop of Nis Arsenije, President of the Municipality of Medvedja Nebojsa Arsic and the author of the show "House from the Heart" Zarko Lazic met.

It was agreed at the meeting that the Orthodox Diocese of Nis would open a special giro account into which all people with big hearts could give their contributions to this humanitarian act.

“The first in a series of those to whom we handed over the keys to a new house in Medvedja and thus provided them with adequate living conditions is a family of twelve from the village of Retkocer.  "I hope that in this way we will be able to make at least ten more families happy," said Minister Djordjevic.

He also said that the goal of the campaign was to enable the citizens of Medvedja to stay and live in their villages and with their families, as well as to encourage the development of that part of Serbia.

“I am sure that we will launch similar campaigns in other places in our country or provide citizens with the best conditions to live and work in Serbia.  We do not have another country, so we have to protect ours and develop it more and more every day, "the Minister said, quoting the words of the President of the Republic of Serbia.

Source: Jugmedia and Coordination Body