News archive


18. December 2019.

Skoplje – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Nebojsa Stefanovic signed in Skopje with the Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Northern Macedonia, Oliver Spasovski, an Agreement on the Establishment of a Joint Miratovac-Lojane Border Crossing, as well as agreements on cooperation in combating trafficking in human beings and smuggling of migrants 

After signing the agreement, Minister Stefanovic said that they were focused on what we needed to do together in order for the citizens of the Republic of Serbia and Northern Macedonia to live better and be safer.  He stated that the Agreement on Cooperation in Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and the Agreement on Combating Trafficking in Migrants would be good answers to the problems of migration.

 " Fighting illegal border crossings is one of the priorities we have worked on together. By the arrival of ten Serbian border guards at the crossings between Northern Macedonia and Greece, we have shown that we want to work together and be tight with each other, "Mr. Stefanovic said.

Minister Stefanovic also stressed the need to work on common strategies for tackling illegal migration.

 "These two agreements, dealing with the fight against trafficking in human beings and the smuggling of migrants, will give the police of the two countries a broad framework of action.  It will also help to give a strong blow to criminal groups and show a commitment to the rule of law, "Mr. Stefanovic said.

He said that he had also discussed with Minister Spasovski the strengthening of cooperation in the fight against organized crime.

 " We have agreed on a faster and better coordination of our criminal police units. Our two countries have excellent cooperation, but contacts between professionals in criminal police can be even closer and better. In the coming period, I expect serious results in countering narcotics smuggling and fighting organized crime groups, "Mr. Stefanovic said. 

Speaking of the Agreement on the Establishment of the Miratovac-Lojane Border Crossing Point, Mr. Stefanovic said that its opening would accelerate the transport of goods.

 " This border crosing is important for regional trade. We have already talked about customs relief and what was the idea and project of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, is that we  work together to make everything cheaper for the citizens, to have smaller customs duties and to have a faster flow of people and goods,“ Mr. Stefanovic said.

The Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Northern Macedonia, Oliver Spasovski, said that the signing of three agreements that day was of great importance for both countries.

Mr. Spasovski stated that the Miratovac-Lojane border crossing would initially function for local traffic, and that, if additional conditions were met, it would act as a common border crossing for international road traffic.

He pointed out0 that the agreement of the two countries on cooperation in the field of combating trafficking in human beings and the smuggling of migrants was of great importance, and that joint cooperation was necessary in that fight.

Source: RTV and Coordination Body

