News archive


21. December 2018.

Belgrade– The security situation in the municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja is peaceful and stable. Local self-governments work closely with the state and there are no violations of the law. The rights of the Albanians are fully respected, as provided for by the Constitution, laws and all international conventions, said Zoran Stankovic, the President of the Coordination Body. 

Mr. Stankovic said that the "coming of age" of the Coordination Body, as well as the overall situation in the southern part of the country, proved that the body had fulfilled the role assigned to it.

“The main goal of preserving peace has been achieved. Over the past 18 years, there were no inter-ethnic conflicts, tensions, or fallouts on that basis. The Albanians are full-flerdged citizens of Serbia, who exercise all the rights belonging to them", Mr. Stankovic said.

Despite the tensions in Kosovo and Metohija, Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja have peace. In recent months, however, there is a noticeable and somewhat harsher rhetoric of some Albanian politicians, which certainly does not contribute to the general pacification of the relations between Belgrade and Pristina. 

“Demarcation, change of borders or exchange of population are out of the question. I recall that the Albanian officials Edi Rama, Ilir Meta and Bujar Nisani told their compatriots in Presevo that they were the citizens of Serbia and that all their problems must be resolved within the Serbian institutions. Domestic Albanians know this very well and most of them are now behaving accordingly, "Mr. Stankovic said.  

Mr. Stankovic says that over the past two decades, over 35 million euros were, through the Coordination Body, invested in Presevo, Bujanovac and Medveđa, apart from regular grants. Those funds were used to renovate schools and health centers, to purchase the hospital equipment and to educate school pupils and university students. 

“We are proud of the opening of the out-patient maternity ward in Presevo and of the Subotica Faculty of Economics’ Department in Bujanovac. Over the past six years, small and medium-sized enterprises were awarded around 2.5 million euro in grants, thanks to which more than 250 jobs were generated, "Mr. Stankovic said.

Source: Evening News and Coordination Body

