News archive


30. May 2018.

Presevo, Bujanovac, Medvedja – Primary school students who attend classes in Albanian in Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja will, next year, have five new textbooks, the use of which was approved by the Ministry of Education, said Sukri Imeri, the President of the Albanian National Council.

Mr. Imeri said that the use of digital primers, textbooks for the arts for the first, second and third grades, as well as textbooks for the subject of the world around us for the third grade, had been approved, which would be imported from Albania.

"So far, we have not had the textbooks for the arts and the world around us, while the primer in the Albanian language existed but the use of another primer, which is digital and more modern, has, now, been approved, so that as of next year, students will be able to choose between the two textbooks," Mr. Imeri said.

The President of the Albanian National Council said that all textbooks were coming from the Albanian publishing house "Albas", which had its head office in Presevo, so that there was a possibility that the textbooks, the use of which had been approved, could be printed in Presevo instead of passing the complicated procedure of being imported from Albania.

Mr. Imeri said that there were still four to five textbooks in Albanian missing for every elementary school grade.  

Source: “Beta” news agency and Coordination Body

