News archive


28. April 2017.

Bujanovac – In some parts of the territory of Bujanovac there is still the danger of unexploded ordnance (UO) left over from the NATO bombing and the armed conflict between the former Liberation Army of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja and the state security forces.

Although 13 locations have been cleared so far, according to Ali Asllani, the Head of Staff for Emergency Situations of the municipality of Bujanovac, there are nine other unsafe places in the area of the municipality.

“So far, six sites have been cleared of cluster bombs, and seven of anti-personnel mines. However, there are more of them. We reported the following locations to the Mine Action Center: those in Lucani, Brisici, Ravno Bucje, Djordjevac, Borovec, Konculj Breznicki Muhadziri (Uski potok), Topolski rid located on Turija hill and another one in Nehat meadow," Mr. Aslani said and called for maximum caution and avoidance of movement in the areas with registered UO.

At the session of the Municipal Staff for Emergency Situations, Mr. Aslani informed its members that a plan for the removal and destruction of the located explosive devices was  considered. 

Also adopted at the session were the proposals of the decision on the appointment of members of  twelve committees and professional and operational teams of the said staff.

Source: Bujanovacke and Coordination Body 

