News archive

May 14. 2010

14. May 2010.


Bujanovac, Presevo – Upon his first visit to the municipalities of Bujanovac and Presevo, Spatim Causi, the new Ambassador of the Republic of Albania to Serbia, said that “his country was willing to assist the Serbian government with resolving the issues with education”. After having had talks with MP Riza Halimi, the Leader of the Party for Democratic Action (PDA), as well as with Saip Kamberi, the municipal president of Bujanovac, and Ragmi Mustafa, the municipal president of Presevo, Ambassador Causi said that the point at issue was “a possibility to provide textbooks  from Albania, provided the government of the Republic of Serbia agrees with this, as well as a possibility for having Albanian teachers at the institutions of higher learning in the Albanian language in South Serbia”.

Riza Halimi shares the Ambassador’s opinion. He said that he had talked with the Ambassador about “Albania’s assistance with providing teachers for our institutions of higher learning in the Albanian language, as well as with providing textbooks from Tirana, while there is also an attempt to implement an economic development project in the region in cooperation with the Belgrade - based government, but talks on the matter are yet to be held”.  He pointed out that Mr. Causi had reiterated the support that the Albanian government provided for establishing the Albanian National Council through direct elections, which are to be held in Bujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja on June 6, 2010.
