News archive

March 8, 2011

8. March 2011.


Leskovac, Sijarinska Spa – Residents of Sijarisnka Spa, which is situated near Medvedja and close to the administrative line with Kosovo and Metohija, hope that this year’s season is going to be a very successful one. Milorad Babic, MD, Director of the “Geyser” rehabilitation center says that visitors weren’t very interested in coming to Sijarinska Spa during winter months because of a long period of cold weather. 

A great number of visitors from Russia, more exactly from Moscow, are expected to come to Sijarinska Spa this year and a special protocol on this is going to be signed over the next few days. The largest number of visitors will come from Belgrade, Vojvodina, Leskovac and Nis. 

277 beds are available at the “Geyser” rehabilitation center, while another 1,500 beds are offered in private homes. The cost of staying at the rehabilitation center, including all the charges and the therapy, amounts to 1,990 dinars and it shan’t change.  There are 18 springs of water with curative properties in Sijarinska Spa, the temperature of which ranges from 32 to 72 degrees C. 

“The Spa provides us with a great chance for development and that’s why we’ll continue giving it our attention,” said Slobodan Draskovic, President of the Municipality of Medvedja.

Over the past years, Sijarinska Spa got a new and polished appearance, so that it is now not only a rehabilitation center, but also a recreation center for numerous visitors from all parts of Serbia.