News archive


12. December 2013.

On Wednesday, representatives of the Danish „Fruits & Berries“ program held in Bujanovac an information meeting with the farmers of the municipality. A call for applications for obtaining the machinery had also been announced.

The meeting, which was held at the Municipal Assembly’s Hall, attracted a lot of interest from farmers who had received from representative of the program the information on the latest methods of production and development of fruit. During the meeting, a lecture was held, which related to the way of growing cherries, plums, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries.

A representative of the „Fruits & Berries“ program, Aleksandar Dejanovic, said that the project was funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management and by the Program of Supporting the Development of Fruit-growing in South Serbia.

"The goal of the program is to increase the capacity of individual production. To obtain the project, one should have a minimum of 1,500 m2 of land planted with cherries, plums, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries or blueberries, and those who plant these fruits for the first time, should have a minimum of 3,000 m2 of land, "said Mr. Dejanovic.

He urged the farmers to deal with the production of the said types of fruit, because their production was lucrative, and added that a call for applications had been announced.  

"Those who apply can obtain the mechanical equipment, while the call for applications will run until December 31, 2013, and it will mostly have to do with the spring planting, "said Mr. Dejanovic.

Professor of the Faculty of Agriculture, Radisa Blagojevic said that it was time to re-achieve the yields of a few years ago, when tons of plums were sold.   .

“It would be a good thing to increase the yields and reach the production of up to 120 tons of plums, which you were previously selling. The aim is to develop fruit-growing in this region, because it has excellent conditions for the production of healthy food, "said Mr. Blagojevic.

The attendants of the lecture were particularly interested in the way of getting the mechanical equipment, as well as in receiving assistance with completing the forms, developing business plans and completing documentation.

For further information on the call for applications, interested persons may contact the consultant of the „Fruits & Berries“ program in the municipality of Bujanovac.  

Source: Titulli and Coordination Body

