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28. July 2014.

The northernmost settlement dating back to the 4 th. and 3rd. centuries BC, which had a complete water-supply system, including a water tank made of stone - Kale Krsevica, has been explored in Krsevica near Bujanovac for as many as 14 years.  Work on the acropolis is in progress, which the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia funds with one million dinars. Both archaeologists and locals are engaged in work at the site.  

“The site is extraordinary, because there is no other site to match it,” said Petar Popovic, PhD, from the Archaeological Institute in Belgrade.  

Tea pots, amphorae and luxury ceramics were also found at the site.  

“Amphorae and imende from the island of Thasos, as well as a piece with a seal on it, emerge.  That is very important to us, because it tells us that these people traded with the Greek world,” says Vera Krstic from the National Museum in Belgrade.  

Apart from archaeologists, the local residents, who have an opportunity to earn some additional money, are also engaged at the site.

“They dig the ceramic bits, while we wash them, dry them and take them to the spot where they’re put together. We earn one thousand dinars per day,” said Toma Stankovic from Krsevica.

Judging by the way it was built, the way of life that was led there and its material culture, Kale Krsevica resembles Greek settlements. It spreads over 5 acres of land and only 5 percent of the site was explored in 14 years.  

Source : RTS Vranje and Coordination Body