News archive

June 6, 2009

8. June 2009.

Toshio Tsunozaki, Japanese Ambassador to Serbia, together with Saip Kamberi, President of the Municipality of Bujanovac, planted two friendship threes in the center of Bujanovac. Participating in the event were principals of elementary schools that take part in the „Clean Environment” project, which the Japanese government funds by 100,000 EUR. Mr. Tsunozaki also visited Bujanovac elementary schools „Branko Radicevic“ and „Naim Fraseri“, whose students, as well as students of elementary school „Desanka Maksimovic“ from Biljaca, take part in the project.

„Japan is funding several economic projects in Serbia and I believe that that this environmental project, which is being implemented in Bujanovac, will contribute not only to the environmental protection but also to the regional stability, “said the Japanese Ambassador during a donation-giving event. Thanks to the „Bujanovac – Clean Environment“ project, which is implemented by the Japanese NGO „Conflict Prevention Center“, each school participating in the project received  a rubbish and garbage removal van, while the municipality of Bujanovac got five such vans.
