News archive


14. August 2014.

Fifty or so participants in the “Jazz-A Multicultural Expression“project, within which students of music academies and music schools, as well as self-taught musicians from six towns in South Serbia,  took part in free workshops, will perform on August 15 at the Nisville's Youth Stage.  The said workshops are part of the Nisville Jazz Festival.

The participants in those workshops will perform as a joint youth band, and will also play in concerts in other cities, such as in Leskovac, Vranje, Vladicin Han, Bosilegrad and Bujanovac.  Ther workshops are organized for vocal and most instruments used in jazz, such as the piano, guitar, bass, drums, brass and woodwind instruments etc.

Such training of young musicians is supported by the EU Delegation to Serbia, which, together with the Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for Cooperation with Civil Society, co-finances the project.

Source: “Danas” daily and Coordination Body
