News archive


28. November 2017.

Medvedja – Ilir Meta, the President of the Republic of Albania, came for a visit of the municipality of Medvedja  with great optimism, as he told the Albanian News TV Channel ABC News, referring to the hospitality, cooperation and joint efforts to strengthen the coexistence between the Serbs and Albanians in the municipality.

“During the talks, we agreed that the cities in Albania and Medvedja should continue to cooperate. I invited the Major and the leaders of Medvedja to come and visit us, so that we could jointly develop the plans, along with specific deadlines, for future projects. I was invited to come here again for the cultural events of the Albanians, "President Meta said.

President Meta sent a message that the municipality of Medvedja should be an example of cooperation and coexistence between the Serbs and Albanians, but also of cooperation with the entire region.

The President of Albania said Medvedja had a lot of capacity for economic development.

“The Albanians living in the municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja should strengthen mutual cooperation and should, first of all, improve their cooperation with the institutions of the Republic of Serbia. There is room for improvement in both the aforementioned spheres, but the fact that I was received in Medvedja with a great deal of respect and nobility shown by the Serbian leaders of the municipality of Medvedja and by representatives of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, as well as by the Albanians living in the municipality, indicates that there is a will to respect human rights and cooperate, and I believe that the future will bring prosperity, "President Meta said.  

"I have been engaged in the promotion of peace in the region for two decades, while I was here even before the year 2000,” President Meta said, reiterating that cooperation was the only way to a better future of the region.  

“If people leave the cities, no one will be the winner. Serbs and Albanians can do wonders, "said President Meta, who stressed that the past was ugly but that the two nations "can become the driving force of regional cooperation and development in the interests of a very different future.”

Тhe President of the Republic of Albania had cordial meetings with the Serbian officials. He thanked the Mayor of Medvedja, the Assistant Mayor and councilors of the municipality, as well as representatives of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

Source: Albanian TV News Channel ABC News and Coordination Body

