News archive


24. January 2014.

Belgrade – As part of the European week of preventing cervical cancer,  the "Find the Time" campaign will be launched in Vranje, Presevo and Bujanovac. The campaign is aimed at informing and educating the public about the importance of maintaining and improving the health of women.

The campaign is funded by the European Union and the Government of Switzerland, through the European Partnership with Municipalities (EU Progress) Program, while it is implemented by the V+O Communication organization. The campaign will include a series of activities, which will each bring to the attention of the public that taking care of one's health is, at the same time, taking care of one's offspring, and that prevention is the best medicine for a healthy life.  

The first activity will be undertaken by medical students, who, as future doctors, will advise people about the importance of having regular gynecological examinations and about the consequences of neglecting health. On Saturday, January 25, they will be handing out to the citizens information leaflets and bagets in the central city squares in Vranje, Presevo and Bujanovac,  which should remind them to find a little time for themselves and regular checkups.

"Thanks to the  active role of women and regular checkups, breast and cervical cancers can be detected early, which helps with the curing process and protection of health. Bearing this in mind and wishing to improve the quality of women's health care in the area, the Government of Serbia, the municipality of Presevo, the European Union and the Swiss government, through the EU Progress Program, funded the construction and furnishing of an out-patient maternity ward in Presevo", said Ana Nedeljkovic, the Good Governance Project Assistant.

In addition, the "Find the Time" campaign includes the broadcasting of TV spots and radio commercials on the local television and radio stations, as well as billboards placed at several locations in Vranje, Presevo and Bujanovac. A meeting and conference of experts will be held in Bujanovac on February 4, 2014, which is the World Cancer Day, whereas a series of educational lectures on increasing the knowledge of young people on the responsible attitude towards  sexual behavior and on the importance of reproductive health will be held for secondary school and university students. The said lectures will be given by medical students.  

Source: Economic Review, Jugmedia and Coordination Body

