News archive


28. March 2017.

Presevo, Bujanovac, Мedvedja -The enrollment of first-graders begins on April 1, but since it falls on Saturday, the school will be receiving future students as of Monday, April 3. The enrollment officially lasts until the end of May, but parents may enroll their children until the beginning of the school year.

There will be around 79,600 first-graders in Serbia, which is by 1,600 more children than last year.

 “New legislation stipulates that all children be embraced by the education system, without discrimination on any grounds, including stateless persons, foreign citizens, exiled and displaced persons, "said Zelimir Popov, Deputy Education Minister who is in charge of pre-school and primary school education.

Disabled children, too, are to be included in the regular education system, whereas a novelty in the Law on Primary School Education is the provision relating to the inclusion or the obligation of school that it, where necessary, adopts an individual educational plan tailored to the disabled child. 

Source: RTV Rhythm and Coordination Body

