News archive

EIDHR: CALL FOR PROPOSALS (Deadline: 3 July 2020)

28. May 2020.

The European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EDIHR) is a European Union program that aims to promote democracy and human rights worldwide by supporting civil society activities.

The general objective of this call for project proposals is to support and strengthen civil society organizations, democracy activists and human rights defenders working on critical issues of human rights and democracy.

The specific objectives of this call for proposals are:

1.  Support for human rights and human rights defenders who are in the greatest danger

2.  Support for other EU human rights priorities in line with EU human rights guidelines adopted by the Council of the European Union

The priority of this call for project proposals is to raise awareness of the importance of human rights in response to the COVID-19 crisis and similar emergencies.

The minimum amount of funding is EUR 100,000.

The maximum amount of funding is EUR 250,000.

The application deadline is July 3, 2020.

Further information on the terms of the call is available on .

Source: European Commission and Coordination Body

