News archive


23. May 2018.

Medvedja - Although the Dialysis Center in Lebane should have received its first patients as long ago as last year, its construction is now completed, so that kidney patients from Medvedja, Bojnik and Lebane will not have to go to Leskovac for dialysis any longer.

The new building of the center is located at the Health Center in Lebane, while the patients will be taken care of by two doctors and six nurses. Also, there are six new dialysis devices at the center. According to Vladan Stanojevic, the Acting Director of the Health Center, the staff have undergone training and is ready for working with the patients.

“The center is fully ready to work with renal patients. The nurses and doctors have undergone the necessary training, so that we are now ready to work with 18 patients per week.  We will, thus, unburden the General Hospital in Leskovac, while it will be much easier for the patients to come for dialysis to our center, and not to travel to Leskovac, as they have done so far,” Mr. Stanojevic said.  

Final construction works began in early March 2017. They were financed partly by the European Union and the Government of Switzerland, which allocated 5 million dinars through the European Progress program. 10 million dinars were invested from the national budget, as well as  8.5 million dinars from the local budget.  

Source: South Serbia Info Center and Coordination Body

