News archive


27. February 2017.

Мedvedja – The “Petar Pertovic Njegos” library in Medvedja joined in the “Let’s Cultivate Serbian” campaign. 

The said campaign is aimed at cultivating and protecting the Serbian language and script, as well as at increasing the overall language literacy. It was launched in 2015 by the Secretariat of Culture of the City of Belgrade, the Faculty of Philology and by the Library of the City of Belgrade. One of the first activities undertaken within the campaign referred to educational posters with the photographs of celebrities and the appropriate language messages.

The campaign was resumed in 2017, while the library in Medvedja has, so far, acquired four such posters.

Nebojsa Arsic, the Mayor of Medvedja, promoted the campaign on the premises of the library and promised that he would make an effort to acquire more educational posters in the coming period. 

Source: Info Center South and Coordination Body

