News archive


9. November 2015.

On the occasion of December 9, the International Anti-Corruption Day, which the United Nations  declared in 2003 by adopting the Convention against Corruption, the Anti-Corruption Agency, for the sixth consecutive year, announces the copetition  for elementary and secondary school pupils, university students and teachers on the topic of "Do I Need to be Courageous in order to be Honest?”

By this year’s name of the competition, we want to encourage you to reflect on the values, namely on courage and honesty, and on the relationship between them. Values ​​are the principles and standards of what is good and proper. Values ​​ direct our behavior and are a compass when it comes to decision-making. Only if we consistently adhere to certain values, such as, for instance, courage and honesty, do they become characteristics of our personality. Values ​​are an important constituent element of every individual, and of every society, even of the one in which we live.

By such competitions, the Agency wishes to draw attention to the fact that education is the key to preventing corruption, and it, therefore, encourages the school system to deal with the offered topics and include the youngest members of society in reflection on ethics. The aim of these activities is to support the behavior that doesn’t tolerate corruption, which requires wider support of society, because the education system isn’t an isolated part of society, while the behavior of adults decisively shapes the behavior of young people.

Therefore, we invite all students to, individually, in groups or with the assistance of their teachers, think and talk about the topic and, by participating in the competition, convey to us their experiences and reflections within the following two categories: a literary work and a short film. Teachers are asked to prepare and write a lecture dedicated to the issues that have been raised by the competition. The lecture should have the basic message and should be adjusted to the age of students to whom it is intended.

The deadline for submissions is the midnight of November 27, 2015.

The text of the competition may be downloaded onконкурс-за-ученике-студенте-и-просвет/

Source: Anti-Corruption Agency and Coordination Body