News archive


5. February 2018.

Меdvedja - The flow of the Jablanica River in the municipality of Medvedja is very poor because no permits for regulating the riverbed have been issued for twenty years. 

Therefore, it is planned to continue working on the regulation of river flow, and the works will be done in accordance with the study of "Srbijavode" .For this purpose, the PE "Srbijavode" will set aside up to 25 million dinars.

“We visited the riverbed together with experts and agreed that the study should be developed by the spring, when the repair, fixing-up and regulation of the Jablanica river flow will begin, "said Nebojsa Arsic, the Mayor of Medvedja.  

In the previous period, the Kapitska riverbed in the Cokotanci settlement was repaired and fixed. The works on fixing up the reverbed were done the “Obnova” public utility company from Medvedja.    

Source: Jugmedia and Coordination Body