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12. October 2011.

Presevo/Bujanovac – The initial results of the census in South Serbia show that quite  fewer Serbs currently live there, especially in the territory of the municipality of Presevo, than in 2002, when the previous census was conducted. Dragoljub Filipovic, the head of the municipality’s census  commission, points out that the number of Serbs that live in the territory of Presevo has considreably decreased.  

„This census will prove that what we have feared for years is true, which is that the final number of Serbs and Serbian households will be quite smaller in comparison with what it was ten years ago“, Mr. Filipovic said.  

So far, census information was obtained from 1,725 residents of Presevo and 620 households in Presevo, while, out of that figure, only 80 Albanians agreed to reply to the questions asked by the census-takers.  The  census-takers in Bujanovac say that they are close to finishing their job there, as well as that they obtained census information was from  17,012 reisidents of Bujanovac and 6,025 homes in Bujanovac.

„There are no Albanians among those who replied to the questions asked in the census“, said Boban Pavlovic, the head of the census commission in Bujanovac.