News archive


27. April 2017.

The jubilee fifth call for applications of the National Forum for Green Ideas, which rewards the best environmentally oriented business projects, has been issued.  Innovative ideas based on the principles of sustainable development will have a chance to receive support in the form of donations given by the Trag Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and Erste Bank, while this year, the humanitarian organization Church World Service (CWS) joined the project as a donor.

In addition to financial support in the amount of 5,000 US dollars, the winning projects will be further supported through consultations and mentoring, so that they could become competitive and sustainable over a long period of time. 

The aim of the call for applications is to recognize and support the ideas of ​​associations, small businesses, entrepreneurs and individuals, which, in addition to the maximum potential of sustainability, will achieve socio-economic development and have the strongest possible impact on their local communities, while preserving natural resources and the environment.

The institution that issues the call for applications: Trag Foundation

The deadline for submission of documentation: May 5, 2017

Theme: Environmental protection

Grant Amount: 5,000 US dollars

Eligible to apply: associations, small companies, entrepreneurs and individuals

Further information on the call is available on

Source: Trag Foundation and Coordination Body 

