News archive


28. May 2020.

The Ministry of Agriculture, through the Directorate for Agrarian Payments, has issued a public call for incentives for the purchase of machinery and equipment for land cultivation, harvesting and removal of crops, plant protection and for growing new and renewing perennial patches with fruit-trees and vines. Farmers or owners of agricultural farms can apply to the call, which is open from June 1 to 15, while a maximum of 1.5 million dinars can be awarded to one applicant.

“The right to incentives is exercised by the applicant, who has fully realized the investments for which he/she submits the request in the period from January 1, 2020, but not later than the day of submitting the request for exercising the right to incentives. The incentives are determined in the amount of 50% of the value of the realized eligible investment reduced by the amount of funds in the name of value added tax, or in the amount of 65% of this value in the area with difficult working conditions in agriculture,” it was stated in the text of the call.

The request for exercising the right to incentives is submitted through the records office of the republican administration bodies in Belgrade, Nemanjina Street 22-26, or by mail to the address Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 84, 11050 Belgrade – the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, the Directorate for Agrarian Payments. 

700 million dinars have been earmarked for these incentives.

You can get further information on the call by  dialing the phone numbers 011/2607960, 011 / 2607961,011 / 3020100 and 011/3020101 every working day from 7.30 to 3.30 pm or on the website of the Directorate for Agrarian Payments ( 

Source: Directorate for Agrarian Payments and Coordination Body

