News archive


14. May 2013.

Bujanovac – The municipality of Bujanovac  established cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Tirana.

"We want to be a link in the cooperation between the economies of Albania and Serbia, for which there are great opportunities and mutual interest. I'm sure we will soon be able to talk about the good results of this initiative, "said the mayor of Bujanovac, Nagip Arifi, on the occasion of the formalization of cooperation

The idea was initiated by the Bujanovac self-government. For Bujanovac, the opening of the Albanian market for the exchange of goods and services is also an opportunity for the inflow of investments  into this underdeveloped municipality, and thereby for creation of the conditions for new jobs.  Bujanovac businessmen that visited Tirana are of the view that Albania is attractive for the marketing of their products, such as of furniture and food products.  

"My company daily processes a ton of chicken and beef. The agreement will allow me to be present there, because meat products from Serbia have a good price in Tirana, "said Aziz Malici, the owner of the "Agro Adria" companyi from  Bujanovac.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry  in Tirana  stated that the Serbian market was very interesting to the Albanian businessmen, while the economic resources of Albania were recommended to investors from Serbia. In an effort to improve the economic climate in the municipality, the Bujanovac self-government previously signed agreements on boosting the economic ties with the Economic Chambers of Macedonia and Kosovo and Metohija.

Source: Economic Review

