News archive


28. August 2015.


Bujanovac – As of August 3, 2015, the citizens of Bujanovac and its environment can read about the events and issues in their area on the city's first news portal in the Serbian language.

The Editor-in-Chief Nikola Lazic, a longtime editor of "Vranjske" and one of the most awarded Serbian journalists, says that the desire of "Bujanovac News" is to respond to the six journalists' questions and not to indulge the authorities.

“Our goal is to properly inform the citizens of Bujanovac of what is happening in their city. They are mainly informed through the national media in Belgrade, Pristina and Vranje. Those bits of news are often unrealistic and are mainly about unpleasant events", said Mr. Lazic.

He also said that "Bujanovac News" wouldn’t avoid informing about delicate topics and that reporting wouldn’t be based on political, ethnic or religious grounds.

“There is no multi-ethnic journalism, but only good or bad one. The attitude of "Bujanovac News" will be to inform the citizens accurately and on time, "said Mr. Lazic.

The operation of the portal, which is financed by itself, will be on a daily basis.

Source: Jugmedia and Coordination Body

