News archive


28. October 2015.

Belgrade – The 2015 Science Festival, which will be held for the ninth time on the premises of the Belgrade Fair from December 3 to 6, 2015, announced the award - wining art competition on the theme of:

MIRACLES SEEN THROUGH MAGNIFYING GLASS"- Look through a magnifying glass, microscope or telescope and discover interesting things. Draw or paint: a drop of water, a ray of light, gnats flying, a seed that germinates, the arrangement of planets on a clear night sky…. The entire magical worlds are hiding around us. Explore, find out and think. Look carefully around and immerse yourself in them.

Dive into the magical world for WONDERS ARE EVERYWHERE, waiting for you to discover them.


Entitled to take part in the competition are children from the first to the eighth grade of primary school. Art techniques to be used are of your own choice (pastels, crayons, markers, watercolors, tempera colors, oil colors, acrylic paints etc.), while the sketch block should be up to size two.  

The drawings/paintings should be posted, not later than November 13, 2015, to:

SCIENCE FESTIVAL, Kneza Milosa 25, 11 000 Belgrade, including the indication "Drawing/Painting Competition".

The information to be provided on the back of the drawing/painting include: your name and surname, date of birth, full home address and phone number/ e-mail, as well as the name of your school, the grade you attend, the address and telephone number of your school, the name of your teacher (if the drawing was done during class activities).

All drawings/paintings that qualify for the awards will be exhibited during the Festival of Science at the Belgrade Fair, from December 3 to 6, 2015.

The best drawings/paintings will be selected by the jury, which will also select the winners of the three prizes awarded by the publishing house “Klett”. 

 The prizes will be awarded in the following three categories:

  • For those attending the first and second grade of primary school
  • For those attending the third, fourth and fifth grade of primary school
  • For those attending the sixth, seventh and eighth grade of primary school

The Science Festival has been supported for a long time by the Ministry of Education and Science, the Center for Science Promotion, the Secretariat for the Education and Child Care of the City of Belgrade, the Rectory of the University of Belgrade, numerous embassies, cultural centers and many others.

Source: Science Festival 2015 and Coordination Body


