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9. April 2020.

The Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Team of the Government of the Republic of Serbia published an analysis of "The Availability of Services and Support Measures for Roma Children at the Local Level". The analysis covers the services available to children under the age of 18 in the fields of social, educational and health care protection, as well as the services/measures that prevent discrimination against Roma children.

As one of the contributions to the monitoring of the implementation of the Strategy for Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia in the period from 2016 to 2025, the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Team, in cooperation with the Council for the Rights of the Child of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, initiated the preparation of the analysis with the aim of providing answers to the following key questions:

  • Does the strategic and legal framework in the Republic of Serbia provide a basis for improving the position of Roma children?
  • What are the prerequisites for meeting strategic and legal priorities at the local level for improving the position of Roma children?
  • What are the key challenges and capacities for the development, implementation and monitoring of the services and measures for Roma children at the local level?

Based on an analysis of the content of relevant documents at the national and local levels, and based on the research conducted with representatives of civil society organizations, recommendations have been made to improve the availability of support measures for Roma children at the local level, to ensure a more effective implementation of the national strategic commitments and to improve the position of Roma children in the Republic of Serbia.

The analysis outlines the key aspects that affect the availability of services and the monitoring of the effects of implementing support measures, primarily at the local level.

The analysis of "The Availability of Services and Support Measures for Roma Children at the Local Level" is available on

Source: Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Team of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and Coordination Body